
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Name that tune....and I challenge you to try!

I will never forget the first elementary school band concert I attended. You have to understand that I was a season ticket holder to the Utah Symphony in my single days. I've heard Vivaldi played in a church in Venice by a string quartet. My taste in music is good, and my standards are high.

I will never forget attending Bradley's first concert in Utah and expecting....well...expecting to at least understand what they were playing.

I smiled, had my camera poised with anticipation of the number...then it happened. The first measure was played. I thought my ears were going to bleed. I wondered if the elderly in the crowd might have their hearing aids explode from the horrible noise. I looked around, and all of the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles smiled and nodded as their children exuded horrific sounds from their instruments. I seemed to be the only parent who realized that these kids were terrible.

I have since learned that parents have a filter. They don't care how horrible their kids sound. They're proud of them for the effort. They're proud of them for their commitment, and they're proud to have a moment in time that is....priceless.

OK...with that said....I attended Dom's rehearsal today for her Thursday performance (I'll be out of town).

Number one: Name that tune

Answer: Can Can Polka (listen hard...and with that filter on!)

Name that tune: This one is pretty easy to get from the beginning, however half way through when the Junior strings (Dom's Group) joins, they pretty much butcher the song.

Answer: Edelweiss

Well, I AM proud of her. She really enjoys playing the violin, and it is her first year. She's trying, and that's what matters most. Maybe next year I'll understand what they are playing without having to look at the program. Probably not, but I need something to look forward to, right?

1 comment:

Stephen Graham said...

I guess we all have to start somewhere. I just never knew that somewhere was that bad! Bless you a million times and all the other parents for sitting though that!