
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A lot of excitement for one day....

Today was a big day for two of the kids. First, after a year, Mariah GOT HER BRACES OFF. To say she was excited would be a bit of an understatement. Here's a picture of her with her new chops.

Also today-Dominique was recognized in an assembly at school as one of the Students of the Month for exemplifying the quality of integrity. It was supposed to be a surprise, and I tried to throw her off the trail by telling her that the letter sent home was requesting a parent-teacher conference for issues related to her reading. We did our very best to sneak in the back and truly surprise her, but one of her little friends "outed" us in the crowd of parents. Oh was a surprise almost until the end.

Were proud of both of all of the kids, and we love to celebrate their extra-special days with them.

Below: Dom, Wendy and the Shark; Domi and Dean

Dom and Mrs. Dahl-Houlihan (Principal)

Below: Video of the Award Ceremony


Unknown said...

Cute Dom, way to go! I went through the whole braces thing all through high school. If feel your joy! Yeah, for braces off!

Melissa said...

I want my elementary school to have a mascot. How cool is that Shark? I need to find a panther costume.

Wendy said...

The disturbing thing is that they are the "Sandy Sharks." Um....we live in the mountains where there are no sharks...what about the Sandy....snakes...or Sandy...I dunno what. They actually have carried the theme throughout the whole school with aquariums and a cool mural in the lunch room. At the end of the year, they get one of those big inflatable slides in the shape of a shark..and you slide out the shark's maybe sharks are ok!

Melissa said...

A mascot and an inflatable slide. You are killing me. I love it. Maybe they could even incorporate a little West Side Story...When you're a shark, your shark...wait, promoting a singing and dancing gang might not be a good idea.